Splash, Bubbles, Dunk and Ripple need YOUR help to find Dunk's lost lucky pebble as they embark on an epic adventure exploring our one big ocean!
running time 12:11 • 4D
Underwater Friends Unite
The hit PBS KIDS series Splash and Bubbles comes to life in its first 4D Experience® filled with music, fun, and everyone’s favorite citizens of the sea! In this new adventure, Dunk the pufferfish loses his special lucky pebble that gives him the courage he needs to be adventurous. Upon hearing the news, his fellow Reeftown Rangers – Splash, Bubbles, and Ripple – join in the quest to find it. Together, these four friends “catch a current” to travel around the world to see wonders like the kelp forest, a whale migration, and even an active underwater volcano! They will also meet great friends like Lu the football fish, Tidy the garibaldi fish and Maury the moray eel. And of course there is no better way to end an adventure than with a party in Reeftown with their newest friend – YOU! Most importantly, Dunk learns that he doesn’t really need his lucky pebble to be a brave, adventurous explorer – he just needs his fellow Reeftown Ranger best friends! Ocean Friends Forever!

Let your guests catch the current and ride the waves
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